Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hard Work Pays Off

By Rejie Shetty

Mohamed Boudhhir, 60, is a current Tulsa resident and has been in Tulsa for more than 2 decades. Mr.Boudhhir has an interesting take on life, according to him it's a full of surprises and often nasty ones however the ride is overall "pleasant" and "interesting".

Mohamed Boudhhir living another one of his days in Tulsa.
"Be aware, let life be your teacher. Starve for what you believe in and try o leave this world a better place,".-Mohamed Boudhhir.
In a life full of obstacles it helps to be wise and serious, you have to expect sudden detours and if your not careful you'll end up lost and astray. Mr.Boudhhir's take on life while certainly interesting could be applied and taken as a good creed for us all.

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