Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tulsa Scenes: Kilkenny's as a Family Tradition

By Ryan McKinzie

It’s a beautiful end-of-summer day outside when I decide that some thirst quenching is order. Walking up and down Cherry Street with my parents, hitting every little shop and boutique along the way, made me particularly parched.

We enter Kilkenny’s Pub and are instantly whisked away into a place that seems to be a thousand miles away from the shops that we were browsing in just minutes earlier.The floor is dark, almost chocolate-colored maple that creaked with every step. The walls are dark mahogany.

I had a mission when we walked in: beer! But the smell of pub fries and the sight of delicious-looking salmon got my stomach involved in the conversation. At that moment I decide that I need to eat.

The host sits us in a corner booth which gives a vantage point of nearly the entire bar. I begin to notice the other customers. There is an elderly couple eating lunch, a group of raucous businessmen sit in the center, and the bar is nearly with people enjoying their favorite pint.

After ordering and receiving our food and drinks I sit back and bask in the glory that is Kilkenny’s and decide right then and there that this will be a family tradition. Food and drink at Kilkenny’s.

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